Broken Supplier Relationship – Review of Current Relationship Status
What we deliver
- Strengths and challenges in evidence. As part of our advisory work, we have extensive experience acting as ‘Expert Witnesses’ for the Courts where we present evidence and are challenged on this by Senior Barristers. We use this experience to objectively identify the strengths and challenges of your evidence, to assess the the degree to which you can consider terminating your strategic supplier relationship before its natural expiry, safely.
How you will benefit
- Safe but accelerated termination. It assures an informed approach as to (a) whether it would be effective to terminate the relationship early, considering the attendant risks or (b) remediate the relationship using a different approach and the benefits of each.
- A commercial focus that achieves effectiveness. You will better understand the supplier’s ‘Expert Responsibilities’ and the degree to which your evidence stacks up independently to support an early termination process.
Key contents of the Broken Relationship Review
Are you sure you need to terminate?
We review why you want to terminate your relationship early, the strength of the evidence of the supplier’s failings and the actions you have taken to remediate.
Validate the business case for termination
If the evidence to terminate stacks up, we’ll advise you on the practicalities of whether the risks (which we’ll advise on minimising) are lower than the benefits.
How will you replace the service you are terminating?
We’ll help you identify the most effective method to replace the service you are terminating, so that the replacement provider/service is fit for purpose.
Contract terms ‘enablers and disablers'
We’ll identify any contract terms that will assist in helping to terminate the agreement early and at minimum risk, or may potentially detract from it.
‘Hidden’ supplier responsibilities that help terminate early
We identify the supplier’s “Expert Responsibilities” (implied in law) that can help to safely minimise commercial risks in terminating the relationship early.
Exit planning
We will assist you to identify the key ‘gotchas’ if you do terminate the relationship early, along with each step to safely exit from your legacy supplier and replace them with a fit for purpose service.
Sanity check your evidence
We’ll help you identify where your organisation already has the evidence in place that will stand up to independent scrutiny, and where further articulation is required.
Choosing the forum for termination
Formal legal proceedings are usually unnecessary for early termination if the termination approach and evidence are done correctly. We’ll help you choose the forum.
Negotiating the termination with your supplier
We will identify the most effective approach to negotiating an early exit from the relationship with your supplier, along with how to minimise the commercial risks.
Hiring lawyers and experts
We will outline what specialist skills to assess from lawyers and technical experts that are more likely to support you in achieving a successful outcome, quickly.
Lessons learned
We’ll help you identify where your organisation already performed well to make the relationship work better, and what changes will be helpful next time around when working with new suppliers.
Workshop output
The output is designed to provide a critical friend discussion forum that informs the most effective approach as to whether to continue the relationship or terminate it early, along with benefits.
Relationship Review is only one element of the BPG ‘Optimise’ method
Evidenced by over 500 complex relationships, it can be implemented quickly to improve service innovation and drive down BAU costs

Share Great Practice
Experience of over 500 complex supplier relationships, means we can share great practice with you that really works.
Drive maximum value
Relationship Review helps support the 10 key characteristics that drive maximum value in complex supplier relationships.
A brilliant project outcome
This is part of the ‘Optimise’ process; a proven method assuring a brilliant project outcome and an excellent supplier relationship.
5 steps to a great new relationship
See the 5 steps to making sure new complex supplier relationships work really well.
Clients that we support
Most of our clients are already highly experienced in complex supplier relationships. Click here to see how we help them take complex supplier relationships to the next level.