Broken Supplier Relationship – Expert Witness Support
What we deliver
Independently assured evidence. We provide expert witness opinion in a clear and focused manner to your legal team. We have experience of over 500 complex supplier relationships, including being independent Expert Witnesses in Court.
How you will benefit
A trusted approach you can rely on. We are mindful that finding excellent technical experts you can rely on, but that can also provide clear, mature oral and written communication, can be a challenge. Our team of experts are ‘top of their game’ operational practitioners that also undertake expert witness instructions. This means they have to communicate clearly in their operational roles and explain highly complex issues, simply.
Key contents of Expert Witness Support
Providing evidence in court
Our specialists have experience of giving evidence in the High Courts. You will not be faced with someone who can write a report, but crumbles under cross examination.
Clearly expressed opinions
Our expert witness specialists provide opinions on evidence in a clear, focused and logical manner. You will not have ‘techno-babble’ that Courts have difficulty interpreting.
Over-riding duty to the court
We fully understand our duties to the Court in acting as an expert witness, as opposed to acting as an expert advisor. We also understand our obligations in respect of CPR Part 35.
Expert witness report
Our expert witness reports fully comply with appropriate standards, including those of formatting and focusing only on those specific areas inside our deep domain expertise.
Expert meetings to narrow issues
Our deep domain expertise and experience of narrowing issues with other expert witness individuals, often means that our clear evidence can quickly achieve agreement.
Current skills
Many expert witnesses only undertake ‘expert witness’ work. This often means their operational experience quickly dates. Our experts deal with live projects daily, thus keeping their skills current.
Proven communicators
Our experts are ‘thought leaders’ and publish good practice for the optimisation of complex relationships and service delivery. Some also undertake public speaking assignments.
Impartiality and objectivity
We’ll always be impartial and objective. At the same time, being mindful to be empathetic to your client and the emotions they are experiencing during the dispute/litigation process.
Balancing multiple considerations
Whilst maintaining our independence and objectivity, we will be considerate to the differing opinions between legal representatives, experts and clients.
Humility above ego
We’ve all had experience of experts with huge egos. You won’t find that with us. Again, whilst remaining independent, we take on board views from all sides that provide better evidence context.
Honest, but considerate evidence appraisal
Being independent means our evidence appraisal will include an honest, but considerate opinion of both the strengths and challenges in evidence you face.
The right skills for the instruction
We’ll always provide you with the deepest technical domain skills. We won’t ‘blag’ it – we know you have too much riding on your case. If we can’t do it, we’ll recommend others.
Viewpoints from instructing solicitors and barristers
Mr Richard Mawrey QC, Barrister/Deputy High Court Judge, Henderson Chambers
“I have a high opinion of their abilities. Their high level of expertise is always expressed in a clear, focused and logical manner. I have recommended them as experts in appropriate cases with complete confidence.”
Mr Martin Hicks QC, Senior Barrister, The chambers of David Waters QC
“The technical investigation conducted by Best Practice Group was thorough and the presentation of their report was both objective and pertinent. I continue to have a high opinion of their abilities.”
Mr Robert Onslow, Barrister, Chambers of Mark Platt-Mills QC
“I have recommended Best Practice Group to a number of clients in heavy IT litigation because their expert reports are balanced, lucid and above all, jargon-free.”
Mr Matthew Lawson, Barrister, The Chambers of Richard Ferguson QC
“I would recommend Best Practice Group. Their written and oral presentation of evidence was clear, logical and persuasive.”
Mr Michael Green, Partner, Weightmans
“From the initial instruction Best Practice Group provided robust, coherent and purposeful advice which paid particularly close attention to the instructions, a trait not always forthcoming in experts. I have no doubt their intervention was pivotal in making the other side face up to reality and eventually led to settlement. I would recommend them without hesitation.”
Mr Tim Ashdown, Head of IP/IT at DMH Solicitors
“We regularly instruct Best Practice Group, and its wealth of retained expertise, to assist our clients in resolving technology issues. They are skilled in procurement and implementation but also in providing consultancy and expert advice when disputes arise. The skills of BPG and its consultants have enabled us to resolve a number of extremely complex and high-value technology disputes at a much earlier stage and on much better terms than would have been achieved without them.”
Expert Witness Support is only one element of the BPG ‘Optimise’ method
Evidenced by over 500 complex relationships, it can be implemented quickly to improve service innovation and drive down BAU costs

Share Great Practice
Experience of over 500 complex supplier relationships, means we can share great practice with you that really works.
Drive maximum value
Expert Witness Support helps support the 10 key characteristics that drive maximum value in complex supplier relationships.
A brilliant project outcome
This is part of the ‘Optimise’ process; a proven method assuring a brilliant project outcome and an excellent supplier relationship.
5 steps to a great new relationship
See the 5 steps to making sure new complex supplier relationships work really well.
Clients that we support
Most of our clients are already highly experienced in complex supplier relationships. Click here to see how we help them take complex supplier relationships to the next level.