New Relationship – Supplier’s Due Diligence
What we deliver
Assurance of supplier meeting client expectations. An assured process of due diligence by the supplier that contractually and operationally ensures the solution provided by the supplier is fit for purpose, on time and to budget, first time.
How you will benefit
Being fully informed at an early stage. This structured pre-contractual due diligence process allows the Supplier and Client to get deep clarity of each other’s expectations including the appropriate roles and responsibilities to assure fitness for purpose of the solution.
Contract for the supplier’s advice, separately. By contracting the supplier for its advice separately, to contracting for the solution it intends to provide, means it is contractually accountable for fitness for purpose and will avoid future arguments over your expectations.
Key contents of the Supplier's Due Diligence process
Understanding of outcomes to be achieved
That the supplier undertakes detailed diligence and can evidence its understanding of the business outcomes the client is expecting from the supplier’s solution.
Clear visibility of business objectives
The supplier validates whether it has the skills, resources and time to align its solution to those objectives. If so, the specific planning process to implement it.
Interpreting the current operating state (‘As-Is’)
The Supplier reviews the ‘as-is’ operational constraints and determines how it can align its solution to keep the good outcomes, and improve the not-so-good.
Clarity of the future operating state (‘To-Be’)
This helps the Supplier align the client’s expectations as to the reality of what is likely to be achieved through the supplier’s proposed solution and what is not.
Genuine collaborative working
We help to support collaborative workshops to clearly articulate the degree to which suppliers really understand your expectations and in turn, work to clarify expectations more clearly.
Understanding Supplier ‘Expert Responsibilities’
We work with you for you to better understand how Courts imply specific responsibilities on complex supplier relationships and making these a ‘win-win’.
Exemplar templates
We provide you with exemplars of the best supplier due diligence terms of reference documentation. This assures the supplier asks you the ‘right questions’ and provides a fit for purpose solution.
Express ‘Duty to Warn’
The supplier has to ‘warn you’ of any requirements you have that are ambiguous. This means they provide much better advice as to the fitness for purpose of the solution they have proposed.
Supplier and client assumptions
Identifying specific assumptions both client and supplier have made and making them express helps to avoid misunderstandings before implementation commences.
Supplier’s Due Diligence is only one element of the BPG ‘Optimise’ method
Evidenced by over 500 complex relationships, it can be implemented quickly to improve service innovation and drive down BAU costs

Share Great Practice
Experience of over 500 complex supplier relationships, means we can share great practice with you that really works.
Drive maximum value
Supplier’s Due Diligence helps support the 10 key characteristics that drive maximum value in complex supplier relationships.
A brilliant project outcome
This is part of the ‘Optimise’ process; a proven method assuring a brilliant project outcome and an excellent supplier relationship.
5 steps to a great new relationship
See the 5 steps to making sure new complex supplier relationships work really well.
Clients that we support
Most of our clients are already highly experienced in complex supplier relationships. Click here to see how we help them take complex supplier relationships to the next level.